Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Musings of the Thakur

I was in the loo when the production manager called me up and said that I got through the auditions. Well, it was definitely a relief.  It’s not every day I get a call asking me to emulate expressions on a platform. At the place, I was greeted mostly by people who knew each other; so, I cowered to a corner like a new kid at kindergarten. Only of course, being 5’7 with 210 pounds it looked more like I was the corner.

The practice sessions involved me choosing to be an animal of my choice; something I usually earn during a verbal bout and swearing with clear diction, which now allows me to swear at Auckland traffic with enunciation. There were other cult customs which were practiced, but let’s give it a rest.

They fed me with coffee, tea and spreads. I did feel like I was at the foyer of a rest home that made sure anything crunchy would definitely go down with a pinch of tooth.

After a few months, I began to see the animals manifesting into characters, the diction bellowing clarity, the coffee and spreads being integral ingredients during discussions and finally customs becoming traditions in a world called RUDALI.

As the rehearsals are coming to an end I feel; It’s been work in an esoteric sense, it’s been an adventure in a personal sense; it’s been simply artistic in a common sense.

Thank you all!!


Thursday, September 12, 2013


Would you like a drink? A very simple question that leads to an addiction , a habit with a social taboo in certain cultures; or a start of a journey with blissful moments. In a country like India that sells spirituality, both as a commercial entity and as an embedded cultural entity; it hasn't yet learnt to honour the 'GIN' in the bottle.

How DO we honour a drink? Is it through understanding of the consequences that may play as a result of intoxication. This understanding is either an excuse to reiterate a dramatic stop to one of nature's divine interventions or a one way approach ;where the cause, which is the consumption and the way it is consumed is less examined or discarded. 

'Consumption of alcohol' I hate that phrase. Having a drink , like any other item that finds its way to our bellies should have a justifiable reason. I think that reason should be love.I have to make this clear you Fall into love, a feeling  planned by fates around you through a series of thoughts that order itself in a chaotic manner, regurgitating itself  so as to make you feel happy or oblivious to your helplessness. This my friends is how one BECOMES and not GETS intoxicated. This is how I map love to the drinking habit. 

Love as a child- I want to fill my urges or I want to get drunk. 
Love as a young kid- I want it because others have it.
Love as a teenager- A new sensation , no inhibitions, and I don't care if the world is looking.
Love as an adult- An activity that  includes respect , restrain, faith, and a learning curve.

Growing up physically is an eventuality whereas  spiritually takes time, understanding, examples and experience. In other words, culture.  The only way one can truly appreciate nature's physical manifestation of spiritual assistance is to weave it through the thick fabric of our culture. Thereby, one can choose to leave the spirits not out of ignorance but out of love. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why teaching is better than studying

Teaching is better than studying
You are always on the other side of all tests
Its fun sitting all night finding out how shitty students are
Can submit test results late unlike assignments
Get a chance to feel like Donald trump to say “you’re out''
You get to know all the answers in tests
If you don’t know the answer you are paid by the hour to find it.


1.     I am a narcissist who looks at a mirror and agrees that love is blind.
2.     Often those that believe blindly are blinded by their beliefs.
3.     Religion is not a birthday gift it’s a lifestyle choice.
4.     Practicality for certain people is simply a lazy conclusion drawn from an undeveloped experience.
5.     The difference between love and infatuation is that the former is mutually exclusive and latter is like being on sale.
6.     I believe that negotiation is the art of the wise and the character of the brave.
7.     Some ambitions are like having dreams with a rude awakening.
8.     Education today focuses, to a great extent, on what to learn that it forgets to teach us how to learn.
9.     How do you know you are getting older...... the day you stop dating women who don’t realise the difference between an orgasm and a fart.
10. When you are born talented, you are gifted. When you become talented, it’s an achievement.
11. My love is not the misunderstanding that what you give cannot be given by somebody else but the stubbornness that i want it from nobody else but you.
12. Sometimes the future is like a good fart, it stinks but we feel good afterwards.
13. If survival is the main course, anything is a condiment.
14.The schematics of my mind cannot be mapped by the response to heavy emotions but by the rendering of thoughts to the subtle complexity we call life.
15. I would fear without a beer as I can’t link without a drink, holy shit!!
16. In lieu of the brevity that this space dictates, in lieu of the frequent yet unimaginative sex that i procure, in lieu of the morals that are meant to be abided yet broken, in lieu of the necessity to comment on life as it progresses.......I say .....fuck it. fuck it all.

Bedouins of Jingoism

Being an immigrant I get to meet a lot of people who love isolating themselves with the pride that they are Indians.I do agree with the notion that the Indian culture does entail large amounts of festivity which requires a basic understanding of the culture, but what i feel ashamed of  is that they very same patrons of culture have no clue that states like Nagaland , Mizoram  or Tripura even exist. These so called bedouins of jingoism are infact a virus that seeps into other cultures and plant the seeds of predictable behavioural types (stereotypes) to those who do not know who Indians really are. So this is my plea to those who desperately wish to brag about our country. Do so with either acquired knowledge(printed facts or google would suffice) or just visit the damn place and tell your stories. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A blah on a blah afternoon

My precursors would say there was always something to look for after the age of thirty. It was either exploring the raw physical beauty of a woman or the satisfaction of our sensual appetite which could only resemble that of a baboon with all its physical condiments. My sexual journey has sort of ended with a moral excuse. My learning has ended with a financial excuse. The background of my everyday life is rudely completed by an exchange of monotonous yet necessary interactions. My daily living is like the completion of an assignment that i neither wish to fail nor wish to excel. As i tap the deep crevices of my intellect, all i can hear are the hollow resonating sounds of empty ideas. I am trying to look for that conducive canvas where i can paint my ideas. I am still searching, if any of you see one, do tell.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Waiting, the most perfect physical manifestation to the idea and the ideal: PATIENCE. I detest it. Good things come to those who wait, try that when you are waiting in line with the millions pouncing in for a job or a chocolate cake. You snooze, you loose that's the name of the game. By the time you eye some femme fatale in a highly conducive environment generated by copious amounts of alcohol, she's gone. WHY?. BECAUSE YOU WAITED. You chose the ideals of a cold assassin but in reality you turned out to be the DODO against the backdrop of evolution. They hopefully thought they would evolve but they didn't. Feel the resemblance. SO evolve . Waiting isn't always patience, its simply the last resort to something you cant manipulate. So for those who ask you to wait, remember that its a very concocted vedic position that euphemistically suggets that i cant do shit for you and definitely you cant either.
Do realise that this is just an isolated opinion that has evolved from experiences that have been weaved by fate and worn by me. thanks for reading.